Freitag, 16. August 2013

Gudrun von Laxenburg

Welcome back!

After a quite long break, some heavy life signals on this blog are to come. Popfest is the reason I'm going to introduce some remarkable artist from Austria to your gourmet ears. Popfest was a 4 days festival in Vienna (Austria) from the 25th till 28th of July. I had the pleasure to be there the first three days and I listened to some outstanding Austrian Bands and DJs. Probably you will wonder why I mention those bands, which could seem quite normal for the rest of the world, but just to give you a slight idea of what regular Austrian mainstream music is supposed to be:

 Yes, seriously that's what many many people here listen to ;) And now let's talk about serious electronic music:

Gudrun von Laxemburg

Holy mother, Jesus and Joseph! I didn't thought that this kind of music would exist Austria. I was very very very lucky, to enter the boiling hot "Brut" Club on July 27th, when those guys played as the last act that night. The club was crowded and there was no airconditioning at all on a very warm summer night. Just imagin to walk into a finish sauna and you'll know how it felt like at the main floor. After a couple of minutes I was soaking wet and sweating like everybody else in there. Sweat was dripping from the ceiling but nothing could stop this amazing gig. The people went bonkers!

Here are some of their songs:

I love how they use the keyboard to create this unique atmospheric electronic sound! And in generell their songs seem very danceable!
Their live performance was outstanding too. Nice costumes, superb lightshow combined with this tune couldn't be any better!
Check their Hompage:
Also on Facebook: Gudrun von Laxenburg
Myspace: Gudrun von Laxenburg
and  Soundcloud: Gudrun von Laxenburg

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